We have been busy adding new projects and collaborations that align with our cause! Here is a sample of what we’ve been working on…
Firefly Park Monarch Waystation Dedication Ceremony, Photo Credit Rose Dutson 2020
Monarch Waystations
In fall 2020 we were incredibly fortunate to help Firefly Park in Nibley, Utah register their butterfly garden as an official Monarch Waystation! We are in the works with several more parks and local organizations to enhance and dedicate additional waystations throughout Cache Valley, UT.
Monarch Habitat Signs, Cache Valley, UT.
Schoolyard Monarch Garden Program, Utah
In 2019 we challenged 26 elementary schools in Cache Valley, Utah, to participate in our launch of Western Monarch Pollinator Pathways (WMPP). Next year, we anticipate expansion towards central and southern Utah.
Help us Link Up habitats along migration routes!
After a successful social media campaign in October 2019, we decided to double our efforts in October 2020 and were successful in distributing over 14,000 regionally selected milkweed seeds! We plan to continue our social media challenge on a yearly basis, asking anyone inspired (people, business, landowners) along western migration routes, to join us in a unified effort to plant milkweed seeds. We provide the seeds, they spread the word and raise awareness. #MilkweedChallenge
Landowner Sanctuaries, Western US
We added 3 additional properties to our large landowner sanctuaries in 2020. Land owners are in a unique position to offer extensive sanctuary habitats in a protective setting, free from pesticides and seasonal alterations. Currently, RAE Environmental’s Western Monarch Pollinator Pathways is working with a several landowners to set up larger sanctuary habitats in various states across the west. Together, we hope this will help bridge the gaps along migration corridors and provide larger stopover sanctuaries for different stages of their migration.